Bedwetting can be a distressing time for children and parents. We hope this bedwetting checklist makes your journey to consistent dry nights a little easier.
Bedwetting Checklist
- Bedwetting products can be helpful tools during the bedwetting stage. Discuss each of these options with your child and make sure that they’re comfortable using them.
- DryNites® Night Time Pants are worn under pyjamas, just like underwear. Kids and their parents can rest easy, knowing that they won’t wake up to a wet bed.
- Bedwetting alarms are probably the most effective tool in actually treating bedwetting. An alarm sounds when the sensor detects the first drop of urine, allowing your child to wake up and finish the job in the bathroom.
- Mattress protectors and waterproof sheets can make cleaning up a lot easier.
- Disposable bed mats are absorbent mats that your child can sleep on. These are a good option if your child doesn’t feel comfortable wearing DryNites® Night Time Pants.
- Bedwetting books for children are a great idea if your child is interested in finding out more about bedwetting.
There are some easy nutrition modifications and exercises that may reduce bedwetting.
- After 4pm, restrict intake of caffeine, chocolate, milk, sugary soft drinks and juices, and fruit high in sugar (i.e., banana, watermelon)
- Ensure your child is drinking enough water – dehydration can make bedwetting worse.
- Try some simple bladder training exercises to increase capacity and improve bladder control.
Having a set bedtime routine will allow for more restful nights.
- Encourage your child to urinate right before bedtime.
- Plug in a night light so your child can make it to the bathroom easily in the middle of the night.
- Keep DryNites® Night Time Pants in a drawer close by, so your child can change into them easily.
- Have a spare set of sheets and some clean pyjamas on hand, in case of an accident.
- Remember to limit the intake of caffeine and other sugary beverages a few hours before bed.
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DryNites® Night Time Pants
DryNites® Night Time Pants are a discreet, comfortable and absorbent form of bedtime protection.

DryNites® Request a sample
DryNites® Night Time Pants help kids stay dry. Request a free DryNites® Night Time Pants sample today.